One Stop Solution For Organic Farming

After the 1960 Green Revolution, the use of chemical fertilizers and chemicals increased and lands became problematic. We have been working for the last 22 years to protect the health of the country and the people of the country from this problem and to promote organic farming by establishing a farmer friendly rural technology park for the welfare of the farmers.



The nutrients in vermicompost include nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potash, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum and other micronutrients, as well as water storage capacity.
Azospherlum, which provides airborne phosphorus-soluble bacteria (PSB) to plants, as well as fungicides, trichoderma, vasoconstrictor.

Coco Pith Blocks

The concept of food for all in green revolution resulted in degration of natural soil fertility due to the continuous use of chemical fertilizers.
Chemical fertilizers were used as temporary measure, as part of soil nutrient management and it does not take car of the soil organic matter.
Maintenance of soil organic matter, therefore assumes greater importance especially in tropics and subtropics.

Terrace Gardening Products

Coir baskets are made in natural coconut fiber and rubber (rubberized to hold the pot together). They are produced for use in horticulture forms, flower gardens, green houses, and nurseries.
Coir pets are 100% eco-friendly and transforms into organic matter on decomposing. Use supply coir pots baskets in various size accordingly to customer needs and requirements.
Plants grow in these pots benefit from air pruning plant roots.



Awareness raising among farmers about the importance of organic farming

Our Focus

Healthy People . Healthy Environment


Our Products are available in custom sizes as per customer needs

Our Other Services

  • Cultivation of Coconut Plants
  • Supply of Coconut Plants
  • Supply of All Kinds of Plants